Welcome to Palace of Wisdom. Here, we strive to provide a platform for people from all around the world to perform Charitable and Benevolent Contributions towards oneself and humanity as a whole. Charity begins at home and Benevolence stems from the heart. Therefore one needs to cultivate self in order to provide for others. Through the act of giving, one cultivates self and simultaneously performs meritorious deeds.

Palace of Wisdom originates from the teachings of The Great Primordial Queen Golden Mother of the West Jade Lake where Her Holiness, in 2015, whispered to our Temple Lady, Jacinta Tan during a retreat in Taiwan’s Song Shan Ci Hui Temple.
The idea behind this name springs from the understanding of the Universal Truth, that is, in order for one to liberate oneself from suffering of any kind, one needs the most prevalent tool, which is of Wisdom to gain a better insight into suffering. With that one can liberate and thereafter transform one to self-betterment.

‘With understanding, there comes Wisdom. With Wisdom there will be Compassion.
Hence we aim towards flourishing the innate Compassionate Wisdom in humankind towards humanity and all beings.’
We hope to share the ancient philosophy through a contemporary yet simplistic approach to cultivation, where all charitable and benevolent Act shall stem from the sincerity of the Heart.
Jacinta Tan

May Golden Mother bless you.

One of the oldest deities of China is Xi Wangmu (Hsi Wang Mu). She lives in the Kunlun mountains in the far
west, at the margin of heaven and earth. In a garden hidden by high clouds, her peaches of immortality grow
on a colossal Tree, only ripening once every 3000 years. The Tree is a cosmic axis that connects heaven and
earth, a ladder travelled by spirits and shamans.

Xi Wang Mu controls the cosmic forces: time and space and the pivotal Great Dipper constellation. With her
powers of creation and destruction, she ordains life and death, disease and healing, and determines the life
spans of all living beings. The energies of new growth surround her like a cloud. She is attended by hosts of
spirits and transcendentals. She presides over the dead and afterlife, and confers divine realization and
immortality on spiritual seekers.

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Founded by Master Guo Ye-Zi, Sung Shan Tsu Huei temple is open of the top ten temples in Taipei, with its environment cradle numerous talents and magnificent temple surroundings, pilgrims all year round with incense. It is elected as one of the "Hundred sightseeing religious places in Taiwan" in 2012.


Founded by Master Thomas Leang,