12 Days Seven Star Light (七星灯)


The symbolic purpose of Seven-Star Lights:

“Seven Star Lamp”, also known as “Length of Life”. The 7 lights are arranged in the position of the Big Dipper, plus a main life lamp and assisted by seven or seventy-nine external combustion lamps, forming a complete set of life-renewing phalanx.

As an important part of Taoist beliefs, it is related to the life and death of humans. The Big Dipper’s palm eliminates disasters and alleviates evil, and the Southern Dipper palms extend life To give blessings, so worshipping is a kind of ritual for people to eliminate disasters and to pray for blessings and prolong life. It is also called Chao Hun ritual.

The orifice of adding fuel to life is traditionally called the Seven-Star Lamp aka Seven-Star lighting.

The seven-star lights refer to the seven large, key positions in the body that can absorb and transform life energy in high-dimensional space. These seven positions are distributed on the human body. If you stand on the left side and look at it, it is exactly a big dipper pattern with the front and bottom of the bucket.

Important Note

  • Please provide the below info in the “Additional Information” field in the order form.
    • Full Name of the Person whom his/her name will be printed and place on the lotus light
    • Date and Time of Birth (Either Lunar or Gregorian Calendar)
    • Address & Mobile No
  • Please make sure provide your mobile number, so we can WhataApp you the photo of the offering
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北斗七星在地显形为七脑芙蓉,是风水中的绝佳好地; 点七个灯芯的油灯象征着请天上的北斗七星来助法力。 点七星灯是为了续命所用。 七星灯,又名“续命灯”、“招魂灯”,为上古道门法术。


古人認為北斗七星各有所指,《晉書天文志》說北斗七星在太微北,樞為天,璇為地,璣為人,權為時,衡為音,開陽為律,瑤光為星。 而北斗七星,恰恰對應了人身內七個大的、關鍵的、


其穴位名稱及七星名稱分別是:膻中穴:為貧狼星燈; 天目穴前方虛懸一穴:巨門星燈; 泥丸穴:為祿存星燈; 夾脊穴:為文曲星燈; 命門穴:為廉貞星燈; 丹田炁穴:為武曲星燈; 海底穴:為天罡星燈; 上面的本命七穴,就構成人身內本命七星燈。當人陽壽將盡時,體內的七星燈也相應會滅。 此時,通過外擺七星燈,可讓體內的七星燈重燃,人便可重新獲得陽壽。